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Wastewater System - Mount Elgin

The County maintains a diverse portfolio of assets that are required to provide the community of Mount Elgin with the safe collection and treatment of wastewater. The Mount Elgin Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) provides wastewater treatment for residential, commercial, and industrial users in the Village of Mount Elgin. 

Within the wastewater collection system, individual properties are serviced by septic tanks where sewage is pretreated to remove solids and grease before discharge to a small diameter variable grade sewer. The small diameter collection mains direct the primary treated effluent to a sewage pumping station, to be conveyed to the WWTP.


Asset Component Unit Current Inventory Replacement Costs
Wastewater Treatment Plant site 1 $3,496,093
Sanitary Pumping Station bldg 1 250,000
Other Facilities bldg 1 9,037
Equipment total N/A 6,433,450
Sanitary Main (<450mm) metre 7,233 4,159,356
Sanitary Service Connection each 303 1,390,164
Collection Tanks each 283 3,718,087
Total Replacement Cost   $19,456,187


The replacement cost valuation for the linear assets in this portfolio are based on current tender prices, where available. The replacement cost valuation for wastewater vertical is based on the latest information available, which includes current replacement costs, insurance valuations, inflation, and valuations from studies / assessments completed in prior years.



The assessment approach for our wastewater assets utilizes a combination of physical assessments, asset attributes, such as material and sizing, as well as established anticipated useful lives.

The percentage of assets in poor or critical condition has increased from 2% as reported in the 2022 AMP to 17%. The percentage of assets in good or excellent condition has decreased from 82% as reported in the 2022 AMP to 81%. As assets continue to age their condition rating will decline until lifecycle strategies are triggered and completed.


Key Performance

Key Service Attribute  LOS Statement Performance Measure 2022 2023 Target
Reliability Providing wastewater services with minimal interruptions % of properties within the system boundary connected to the municipal wastewater system 97% 97% TBD
The number of connection-days per year due to wastewater backups compared to the total number of properties connected to the municipal wastewater system. 0 connection-days to 188 connections 0 connection-days to 207 connections TBD
Environmental Stewardship Providing wastewater services that have minimal impacts on the environment The number of effluent violations per year due to wastewater discharge compared to the total number of properties connected to the municipal wastewater system. 0 violations to 188 connections 0 violations to 207 connections 0

Funding Gap Analysis

This portfolio is currently funded through an annual contribution to the Wastewater - Mt. Elgin reserve, by wastewater rates in Mt. Elgin, along with an annual allocation of interest earned.

The graph illustrates the anticipated asset management needs (expenditures) and anticipated funding for the 10-year period of 2024-2033, reflecting an approximate $1.6 million surplus in funding availability over the period. 

While the Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Project is eligible for Development Charges funding, it was anticipated at the time of preparing the 2024 budget that annual development charges revenue received would not be sufficient to meet the debenture obligations. As such, existing funding would be required in the form of a rate increase to meet these obligations. Through the 2025 budget process staff will update the 10-year capital plan to align with the projects and funding sources identified in the 2024 Development Charges Background Study.

Although the 2024 to 2033 period is showing a surplus, it should be noted that the current investment falls short of the annual required investment. In accordance with the Water and Wastewater Rates Policy, the annual contribution to reserve should increase annually with inflation.