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Wastewater System - Innerkip

The County maintains a diverse portfolio of assets that are required to provide the community of Innerkip with the safe collection and treatment of wastewater. Wastewater generated by the residents and businesses in the Village of Innerkip is collected in a network of wastewater mains and conveyed by sewage pumping stations (SPS) to the Woodstock Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) for treatment.

The wastewater collection network transports residential, commercial, and industrial waste to the Woodstock WWTP for treatment. The collection system incorporates an odour control facility, to mitigate potential odour issues. The wastewater collection network consists of a mix of gravity mains, low pressure mains and forcemains. Wastewater flows by gravity wherever possible, where changing elevations require the use of an SPS. Other specialized structures such as manholes, valve vaults, meter stations, diversion structures and siphons are required to convey wastewater to the Woodstock WWTP.


Asset Component Unit Current Inventory Replacement Costs
Sanitary Pumping Station bldg 3 $648,288
Other Facilities bldg 2 223,356
Equipment total N/A 1,415,659
Sanitary Main (﹥=450mm) metre 360 370,747
Sanitary Main (﹤450mm) metre 18,770 15,534,152
Sanitary Service Connection each 642 2,945,496
Total Replacement Cost   $21,137,698


The replacement cost valuation for the linear assets in this portfolio are based on current tender prices, where available. The replacement cost valuation for wastewater vertical is based on the latest information available, which includes current replacement costs, insurance valuations, inflation, and valuations from studies / assessments completed in prior years.



The assessment approach for our wastewater assets utilizes a combination of physical assessments, asset attributes, such as material and sizing, as well as established anticipated useful lives.

The percentage of assets in poor or critical condition has increased from 1% as reported in the 2022 AMP to 3%. The percentage of assets in good or excellent condition has essentially remained unchanged at 94%. As assets continue to age their condition rating will decline until lifecycle strategies are triggered and completed.

The high number of assets in good or excellent condition is reflective of the Innerkip wastewater system being constructed from 2009 through 2011. Sanitary pumping station components and equipment in poor or critical condition have shorter anticipated useful lives with the condition reflective of their proximity to required lifecycle strategies.


Key Performance

Key Service Attribute

 LOS Statement Performance Measure 2022 2023 Target
Reliability Providing wastewater services with minimal interruptions % of properties within the system boundary connected to the municipal wastewater system 96% 96% TBD
The number of connection-days per year due to wastewater backups compared to the total number of properties connected to the municipal wastewater system. 0 connection-days to 519 connections 0 connection-days to 544 connections TBD

Funding Gap Analysis

This portfolio is currently funded through an annual contribution to the Wastewater - Innerkip reserve, by wastewater rates in Innerkip, along with an annual allocation of interest earned.

The graph illustrates the anticipated asset management needs (expenditures) and anticipated funding for the 10-year period of 2024-2033, reflecting an approximate $3.3 million deficit in funding availability over the period. 

The projected lifecycle needs over the 2024-2033 period are reflective of the age of the Innerkip wastewater system. An overall surplus is required at this stage in the assets lifecycles for long-term planning towards a sustainable wastewater system. 

At the time of 2024 budget preparation, the Innerkip wastewater system was not subject to development charges. The projected non-lifecycle needs include the benefit to existing portion of the Innerkip to Woodstock forcemain twinning project, as development charge revenue is anticipated in Innerkip to offset the growth-related portion of this project. The deficit in funding availability may be partially managed through the issuance of debentures. The issuance of debentures results in a higher overall cost resulting from the inclusion of interest, however, would defer a portion of the funding needs beyond the 2024 to 2033 period. Consideration also needs to be given to the funding requirements of subsequent periods when deferring current obligations through the issuance of debentures.

It should be noted that the current investment falls short of the annual required investment. In accordance with the Water and Wastewater Rates Policy, the annual contribution to reserve should at a minimum increase annually with inflation. Additional rate increases may also be required to ensure debenture obligations are met.