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Oxford County Library (OCL) serves seven of the Area Municipalities that make-up Oxford County by providing access to reading, culture, technology, trusted information, and creative learning opportunities. A welcoming space at the heart of our communities, OCL Branches encourage connection, supports wellbeing and fosters a love for reading.

This portfolio is categorized into four components based on their life spans and maintenance strategies; facilities, furniture and equipment, computer equipment, and collection materials. Library services also has short-term collection materials, such as newspapers, and subscribes to online collection material services; these items are not capitalized and therefore not included in this asset management plan.



Asset Component Unit Current Inventory Replacement Cost
Collection Materials total N/A $1,463,000
Computer Equipment total N/A 127,795
Furniture and Equipment total N/A 1,964,009
Facilities bldg 4 14,705,798
Total Replacement Cost $18,260,602


Replacement Costs were determined by recent tenders where possible, through use of costs obtained during the 2024 Budget process, and other estimates from County staff where inflated historical costs were deemed to be insufficient.




The County completes building condition assessments (BCA) on a 10-year cycle. The BCAs assess and document the current condition of facilities to identify capital repairs and replacements which may affect the continued operation of the property over the next ten (10) years, and to provide an assessment as to the level of accessibility for each property. Replacement costs are also requested as a part of this process. A BCA on the Ingersoll Library Branch was completed in 2023. Updated BCA’s on other library branches are anticipated to be completed in 2026 and 2031.

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) equipment at all locations is inspected and maintained on an annual basis by a consultant. The current condition assessment for most assets within this portfolio is age-based.



Key Performance

Key Service Attribute LOS Statement Performance Measure 2022 2023 Target
Quality Foster inclusive and equitable access to quality library services, programs, and resources % of library materials newer than five years 32% 32% 20%
% of public computer workstations and tablets no more than six years old 28% 28% 35%
Environmental Stewardship Providing library services in an environmentally conscious manner Annual energy consumption per square metre 184.2 ekWh/SM3 189.3 ekWh/SM 110.3 ekWh/SM

Funding Gap Analysis

This portfolio is currently funded through an annual levy contribution to the Libraries - Capital reserve, along with an annual allocation of interest earned.

The graph illustrates the anticipated asset management needs (expenditures) and anticipated funding for the 10-year period of 2024-2033, reflecting an approximate $0.4 million deficit in funding availability over the period. 

The annual contribution to reserve should increase annually with inflation, along with an additional increase to assist with closing the funding gap. Staff will review the expenditure and funding needs with each business plan and budget cycle to determine the appropriate increases in the annual contribution to the reserve, as well as seek opportunities for additional funding sources.