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Community Housing

The human services team delivers community housing services through 63 buildings (including apartments, semi-detached facilities, and townhouses) with 636 separate units. The residences are occupied by individuals, couples, and families. The County is responsible for both interior and exterior maintenance. 

This portfolio is categorized into two components; community housing facilities along with related furniture and equipment and renewable energy assets. While most renewable energy assets are planned for under the corporate facilities portfolio, the renewable energy assets included in this portfolio are funded by community housing and form part of the reporting on community housing expenditures and revenue.


Asset Component Unit Current Inventory Replacement Cost
Community Housing bldg 63 $93,076,567
Renewable Energy each 5 834,496
Total Replacement Cost $93,911,063

Replacement Costs were determined by recent tenders where possible, through use of costs obtained during the 2024 Budget process along with other estimates from County staff where inflated historical costs were deemed to be insufficient.




The County completes building condition assessments (BCA) on a 10-year cycle. The BCAs assess and document the current condition of facilities to identify capital repairs and replacements which may affect the continued operation of the property over the next ten (10) years, and to provide an assessment as to the level of accessibility for each property. Replacement costs are also requested as a part of this process. BCAs were completed on the community housing buildings in 2015, 2016 and 2020 with updated BCAs anticipated for 2025, 2026 and 2030.




Key Performance

Key Service Attribute LOS Statement Performance Measure 2022 2023 Target
Quality Providing community housing services at the appropriate quality % of building components in fair or better condition 60% 61% TBD
Environmental Stewardship Providing community housing services that are environmentally conscious Annual energy consumption per square metre 215.5 ekWh/SM3 193.7 ekWh/SM 103.4 ekWh/SM
Total GHG emissions per square metre 0.0245 tCO2e/SM 0.0212 tCO2e/SM 0.0098 tCO2e/SM

Funding Gap Analysis

This portfolio is currently funded by an annual levy contribution to the Social Housing reserve, an annual allocation of interest earned along with an allocation resulting from the consolidated County operating surplus.

The graph illustrates the anticipated asset management 10-year lifecycle needs (expenditures) and anticipated funding for the 2024 to 2033 period, reflecting an approximate $3.5 million deficit in funding availability over the period. 

The annual contribution to reserve will need to increase annually with inflation, along with additional increases to assist with closing the funding gap. Staff have deferred projects recommended through the BCAs, within the 10-year capital plan as a result of the funding deficit. Closing the funding gap will help ensure lifecycle projects are completed when anticipated.

Staff will review the expenditure and funding needs with each business plan and budget cycle to determine the appropriate increases in the annual contribution to the reserve, as well as seek out opportunities for additional funding sources.